Water Therapy: Can This Aid with Weight Loss?


More and more individuals are experimenting with different diets as fitness and beauty become increasingly important to us. One of these newer methods is Japanese water therapy. In essence, this diet instructs you to drink water before breakfast. Additionally, it calls for regularly drinking water while paying close attention to thirst signals.

Some research suggests that drinking water can help people lose weight. As it fills up our bellies, water makes us feel full. This sensation of fullness can help stop cravings and overeating.

However, drinking water won’t help you lose all of the extra weight. As your trusted urgent care center in Florida, we advise living an active lifestyle and eating healthily. While drinking enough water can increase fullness and help you stop overeating, there isn’t much data on the precise effects of Japanese water therapy for weight loss.

Our physicians in Jensen Beach, Florida, suggest being wary about this method. When you consume a lot of water quickly, overhydration or water intoxication occurs. Hyponatremia, a condition caused by a decrease in blood salt levels, results from this. If left untreated, this may result in nausea, vomiting, seizures, coma, and even death.

Access Health Physician Services can assist you in your quest for effective weight loss. Your weight loss journey will be guided by our healthcare professionals, who will provide you with professional advice and sustainable habits that you may apply every day.

Our medical professionals also provide body sculpting services, such as Wood Therapy, Endermologie, and Ultrasound Cavitation, if you’d prefer a simpler method of losing weight.

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